How Do You Find a Qualified Expert Witness? Part X
Our last post in this series on ways to find qualified medical experts and dental experts to help you win your case. The Expert’s Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) – Part X Every doctor has a C. [...]
How Do You Find a Qualified Expert Witness? Part IX
Expert Specialty Certification and Verification – Part IX In 1933 the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) began certifying physicians to assure they were qualified to practice [...]
How Do You Find a Qualified Expert Witness? Part VIII
Qualifications of a Medical Expert or Dental Expert – Part VIII You have read the dos and don’ts about finding a medical expert or dental expert and are probably wondering what you sho [...]
How Do You Find a Qualified Expert Witness?
We will continue to discuss ways to find qualified medical and dental expert witnesses to help you win your case. A Medico-Legal Service – Part VII These are organizations that locate [...]
How Do You Find a Qualified Expert Witness? Part VI
We will continue to discuss several ways to find good or bad expert witnesses, who will win or lose your case. Doctors Who Have Testified for Plaintiffs – Part VI There are physicians, [...]
How Do You Find a Qualified Expert Witness? Part V
There are several ways to find good or bad medical expert witnesses, who will win or lose your case; each has its advantages and disadvantages. Here is how to avoid the common pitfall [...]

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