Embracing the challenges of a medical or dental profession is not an easy task. Physicians and dentists cannot afford to make mistakes, as they may cause serious pain and suffering to their patients or even cause fatalities. Maryland is a state with a wealthy population that is appealing to doctors. Despite the high numbers of doctors, and its affluent population, Maryland faces a high number of dental and medical malpractice cases. JD.MD can offer you the medical and dental malpractice expert witness services and cases evaluation solutions required to win your case and to provide your client the best possible representation.
Dental and Medical Malpractice in Maryland
Dental and medical malpractice in Maryland occur mainly because of negligence. Too many times, malpractice is synonymous with negligence, and Maryland is no exception. However, it is not easy for lawyers to prove their clients’ malpractice cases, since they need solid evidence. That is why JD.MD offers case evaluations, as well as expert dental and medical malpractice witness services to assist you in your efforts to achieve fair representation and compensation for your clients.
Health Care in Maryland
In terms of ranking the largest number of physicians per capita in the U.S., Maryland ranks number eight in the top 10 states, with 281 doctors and nearly 34 medical students for every 100,000 people. The high number of doctors is primarily a result of the wealthy population of the state attracting doctors. Maryland is one of the most densely populated states, among the 50 United States, despite it being one of the smallest in terms of area. Maryland is home to the famous Johns Hopkins University and two other prestigious medical schools. Yet, statistics show that:
- More than 11% of the population does not carry health insurance.
- Maryland has an above average death rate due to heart conditions.
- The state of Maryland has an above average infant mortality rate.
- Maryland has a lower than average life expectancy.
JD.MD Services Offered in Maryland
JD.MD addresses the needs of law firms in Maryland, representing dental and medical malpractice victims. We offer a full set of case evaluation solutions and subsequent advice and assistance from malpractice experts. The initial assessment of your case constitutes the basis for future services in the area of expert witness attorney services, including medical expert witness, dental malpractice experts, and specialty medical malpractice services.
If you need assistance in a medical malpractice or dental malpractice case, contact JD.MD today at 1-800-225-5363 for an initial evaluation or an expert opinion.